Thursday, January 12, 2017


This statement is in regards to the current “rivalry” between HBE & MGTOW.  About a year ago, a question was asked on the main page and in our group about prostitution. We asked was it simping or not. Much to our surprise, we found out that a lot of MGTOW dudes felt that prostitution and tricking was fair game. This decisively split the two. So, since then, there has been a lot of jabs & shade thrown. This controversy reached its boiling point when one of our members decided to list the differences between the two movements.  The status update would trigger some fans of that other movement. Currently at the moment, they can’t get our names out of their discussions. We are the focal point of everything they talk about. They have slandered and posted a lot of mist
ruths about this movement. Honestly, in our humble opinion, they are jealous of us. In a short amount of time, we have surpassed them in every way possible. We have changed the game. All they have done is alienate themselves from healthy relationships with normal people. They have also ignored the blatant racism, white supremacy, deviancy, and general weirdness amongst their ranks. If they choose to keep talking about us, that’s fine. But no this, we’re not backing. And the fire rises. I am my brother’s keeper.
