Friday, June 8, 2018


Guys who kill themselves over broads have low-self esteem, and suffer from co-dependency + CBD. You get to the point where you feel like you NEED said chick in your life. And when she leaves you don't want to live anymore. And in some cases that gets elevated to psycho simping where you take her life as well because you feel like if you can't have her, then no one else will. That's why you always hear about simps who killed themselves and their gf/wife. The key with our movement is to EMBOLDEN you. And what embolden means: give (someone) the courage or confidence to do something or to behave in a certain way. synonyms:fortify, make brave/braver, encourage, hearten, strengthen, brace, stiffen the resolve of, lift the morale of. Develop self worth, confidence, and value yourself over everything else. But most importantly be your brother's keeper. Over & out. #HBE

Sunday, May 20, 2018


So it’s like this, I like to browse POF profiles for content you know. Many of you have seen some of the outrageous profiles  that we’ve posted on our many social media pages.

I’m undercover & I’m browsing, and I inbox this chick “Hey how are you doing” A line I always use as an introduction. Now mind you, I didn’t think she’d respond, because most bitches on POF never do.

She responds, and we are talking back & forth and she gives me her number. We’re talking back & forth on IMessage for a few days. We get to Friday afternoon, and she goes : “I have a lot of work to do today. And that was the last I heard from her that night. 

I deleted her number, because personally I hate storing numbers from temporary people. But the next morning she texts me “Good morning”. And we start talking  for a few hours. 

I’m at dinner with my family, and she goes “Hey would you be interested in talking to my cousin”? I was taken aback by it because who starts talking to someone and then tries to pawn their cousin off on you.

I play it off because I am undercover, and I ask her “Is this a set up? “Or you trying to see If I will fall for the bait”? I asked her that because you know how tricky bitches are these days. They love trying to set a nigga up. But anyways, the broad sent me a picture of her cousin and I go “ She’s attractive”, and she responds “Of course she’s my cousin”. I grilled her with a few more questions that seemed to annoy her. But after that she stopped responding.

Now last night, I was chilling watching Cobra Kai, and she texted me “Good afternoon”, and we start talking again. And then brought up the cousin thing again. Im like “Yea whatever”. She gives me the number and I start talking to her cousin. She was real cool at first, and we talked for a few hours until the original chick texted me and asked “So how is the conversation going”? I responded: “Everything  is cool, we’ve been talking for a few hours. She then goes : “I know you’re nervous, but be yourself. I responded sharply : “I am not nervous. I’m just winging it because I don’t know what will happen. This chick then goes : Don’t over do it with the jokes and “lol”s. It can be annoying and irritating.  I read that shit like :  Is this bitch serious lol?  So me and her start going back and forth and she goes “You know the way things were going, I don’t even think I’d want to call you, or FaceTime you or even meet you”. I responded, you don’t think I didn’t know that? You thought you was slick, by trying to pawn your cousin off on me.You tried to curve me. But I saw that a mile away.  She responded, “I wasn’t trying to curve you because we were just “talking”. I then said “ There is many ways to curve someone. A bit more back and forth would ensue until I just told both of those two wack bitches “Peace out”.

I dedicated an entire chapter to the women on POF. But I felt it was necessary to take a dramatic example to prove my point on some of the psychological issues many of the women on that site have. Pay attention, and be ready for the Ho3 Chronicles in a few months.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

MEN VS. WOMEN: Break ups

The truth of the matter is women handle heartbreak worse than men. I say this because men often internalize their heartbreak. No one wants to hear a man talk about how is heart got broken. To the masses, it isn't normal for a man to speak about it.If we speak on it, we are looked at as soft, bitter or "misogynistic". It's a unwritten rule that men can't speak about their heartbreak. However, women have free range to talk about the dude that broke their heart 5-10 years ago. Also, women carry on their resentment much longer. In the upcoming Ho3 Chronicles we call this the "defense mechanism". The defense mechanism is used by women to basically make new men's lives a living hell. The defense mechanism is a force field that women keep up that makes new men's lives a living hell because of what Tyrone did. So, in theory most new men really don't really have a chance.Following women on social media proves this theory. At least once per day, you'll see a woman sharing a "misandric" meme that displays their past heartbreak. Then you got the chicks who complain about being single post-break up, which I might add is a sign of a co-dependency. I mean how could you be with someone so long, and then complain about being single, but don't want to give a new guy a chance without him jumping through hoops? Now that's just crazy.