Thursday, April 5, 2018

MEN VS. WOMEN: Break ups

The truth of the matter is women handle heartbreak worse than men. I say this because men often internalize their heartbreak. No one wants to hear a man talk about how is heart got broken. To the masses, it isn't normal for a man to speak about it.If we speak on it, we are looked at as soft, bitter or "misogynistic". It's a unwritten rule that men can't speak about their heartbreak. However, women have free range to talk about the dude that broke their heart 5-10 years ago. Also, women carry on their resentment much longer. In the upcoming Ho3 Chronicles we call this the "defense mechanism". The defense mechanism is used by women to basically make new men's lives a living hell. The defense mechanism is a force field that women keep up that makes new men's lives a living hell because of what Tyrone did. So, in theory most new men really don't really have a chance.Following women on social media proves this theory. At least once per day, you'll see a woman sharing a "misandric" meme that displays their past heartbreak. Then you got the chicks who complain about being single post-break up, which I might add is a sign of a co-dependency. I mean how could you be with someone so long, and then complain about being single, but don't want to give a new guy a chance without him jumping through hoops? Now that's just crazy.