Sunday, October 2, 2016


"This was supposed to be the finale of this series, however a series of events changed plans. We feel that this subject needs to be discussed.  A lot of people aren't hip to this, so we'll get them caught up. Let's get started. Sit back & pay attention"

MGTOW (”Men Going Their Own Way”) is a way of life which refuses to defer to women in defining the worth of men. Instead, it focuses on positive male aspects, inviting men to go their own way in life: This seems to be the main definition of MGTOW. But there seems to be different meanings. Check this out via Urban Dictionary: 

Men Going Their Own Way

They are men who do not live for others anymore they live unapologetic lifestyle only for themselves. That means no kids no wife no problems in life. Some become mgtow after they already had kids or been married and they pay for their mistakes, later on in life in divorce courts.

Because mgtow feel betrayed as if society and women don’t give shit about them. They only view them as expendable containers, ATM machines, and sperm donors for reproduction purposes.

So as a response to toxic selfish society, they become selfish assholes who don’t care about nothing but their own existence.

And live only for themselves !
Male 1: Dude, why don't you have a wife?

Male 2: Because women see you only as child support and alimony paychecks, I'm not that stupid to get married, I'm MGTOW!
Acronym for "men going their own way." These are men that give corrupt divorce courts the middle finger by not getting married, thus never getting screwed over. Traditionalist men tend to make fun of them, up until the day their ex-wife steals his heart and his money, then MGTOWs get the last laugh.

Or more demeaning definitions that MIGHT have a little bit of truth to it:
"Men Going Their Own Way" The whiny reactionary male equivalent of the feminazi
lonely angry rejected men who needs to believe that the reason they don't have love in life is that they don't desire it.
MMen Going Their Own Way; A bunch of whiny douchebags who can't get girlfriends because of their blatant hatred of women, but claim it's because they're protesting against the unnamed evils that women routinely commit (see cognitive dissonance). Instead of actually going their own way, MGTOW spend excessive amounts of time complaining on the internet about how women have driven society to ruin, while they masturbate in their moms' basements and do nothing to contribute to society. Some claim that they don't hate all women, just those uppity "western women." They'd be perfectly fine with dating one of those exotic, submissive "eastern women" who would do anything they asked (see stereotype).

It's the equivalent of a five-year-old trying hold their breath until they get what they want, only they're being incredibly unclear about what it is that they want and no one cares if they pass out from oxygen deprivation.
Now our thoughts

First of all, we want to clarify that MGTOW & HB is in NO way affiliated with each other. Some ideologies might be the same. But we are two completely different movements. They have this Matrix red pill philosophy of swearing off all women & completely going their own way so to speak. That means no girlfriend, no significant others, no interactions with the opposite sex at all (Unless its hookers or bots & we'll get into that later) That's fine for them. But that's not our thing. Our goal is to inform men of the dangers of ho3s. The main objective is to be aware of your enemy, which happens to be white knights & simps. We encourage healthy relationships between men & women that is full of MUTUAL respect.  Hell, some of our most dedicated members are married with children etc. However, a lot of brothers seem to be mesmerized with the MGTOW lifestyle. At least every day someone seems to comment on the page talking about how they're MGTOW, or "That's why we're MGTOW". Those types of comments makes people think that HBE & MGTOW are two of the same, when we're not. The two couldn't be anymore different.


A lot of folks don't know this but, MGTOW features a lot of racism within their ranks. The sad part is that a lot of minorities are involved & don't know or care about the racism. There are tons of videos about MGTOWs alleged racism. Check out two of them:

It ain't tricking if you got it mentality+ general weirdness

These MGTOW cats love to spend money on bitches. And I don't mean regular women. I mean like prostitutes. Hookers(tg & female), call girls, & mail order brides. They all have this fantasy of flying overseas to places like Brazil, The Philippines, & other exotic countries to find the perfect woman to fuck or whatever. You should see these dudes in these groups. They're all like "Get your passport fellas" "Fuck these Western women". MGTOWS have gotten to the point where they won't deal with real women at all. A lot of these cats are comfortable with sex toys or robotic women. Check the following pictures:

Remember what we said about general weirdness?

Sex doll or hookers is what he's asking lol

This type of behavior is the norm for MGTOW. For example, we had A LOT of MGTOWERS in our HB group(We had to do some in house cleaning) And one day we asked if buying sex was a form of simping, and the majority of them said that tricking and or prostitution wasn't simping. These tricks fought tooth & nail to try to convince us that prostitution is ok.  They went on a tangent for weeks & months trying to convince or convert us to MGTOW, they were worst than Jehovah's Witnesses(They recruit). Here are some of their infamous quotes: 
  1. "It's not tricking if you got it".
  2.  "You don't pay her to stay, you pay her to leave".
  3.  "Get your passport"
  4. "MGTOW 4 LIFE"

These brothers are extremely passionate about their movement. They're so passionate that you'll even see some of them with MGTOW in their Facebook name. These dudes will have it as a first name, middle name, or last name. We have some dudes who advertise or "recruit" on the main page with their hidden propaganda. Hell, we've even had some MGTOWS inbox members and asked them if they were MGTOW or not. Yea it's that deep.

Final words

MGTOW is a weird movement that we do not accept. I mean its fine if some dudes want to live that lifestyle. But we will not condone anyone associating them with us. Realize it's a BIG difference between them & us. Now, with that said, we hoped you you enjoyed this piece. Don't forget to catch up on the Simp Chronicles. The finale is in a few weeks, and it's a doozy. **Pheromone**

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