Thursday, May 23, 2019


This story takes place in the summer of 2007 before the events of Burn Notice. This is a minor tale about simping and the trouble it can get you into.

On one summer night, 21 year old Morris Watson and his younger brother Darren are just chilling watching tv when their friend Jessie calls them to hang out. Jessie says: “Hey you guys wanna go to the mall and chill at Fun N Games”? Morris and Darren say: “Sure”. Shortly after the call, Jessie comes through with their other Farrelly, and they are on their way to the mall. As the friends get to the mall, they notice that Jessie is driving past the mall. In shock, the fellas say:”Hey Jessie, where the fuck are you going? You’re driving past the mall bro.” Jessie says: “I have to go do something real quick. We will go to the mall after I take care of this.” The fellas say: “Ok”. A few hours go by and Jessie is just driving and driving to nowhere it seems. Jessie had been driving so long to the point where the towns were full of trees and things started to look unfamiliar. After driving a few hours, Jessie stopped at a local gas station for directions. As Jessie asks for directions, Morris, Farrelly and Darren get out of the car & start leaning on it because they needed to stretch their legs from sitting so long. Not too long after getting out of the car, the guys notice the police coming into the parking lot. Being nervous, the guys call Jessie to get back into the car to leave. However, shortly after driving off, the cop stops Jessie. Everyone in the car was extremely nervous because they’d never been stopped by a cop before, and they were 4 young minorities(One Colombian, a Middle Eastern & 2 blacks) driving around in a neighborhood that didn’t have many minorities in it to say the least.
The cop asks for Jessie’s license and registration. Jessie takes it out and asks: “What’s the problem officer”? The officer says: “I’m stopping you for obstruction of view”. The crucifix rosemary bead is obstructing your vision of the road and I’m going to have to give you a ticket.” Jessie reluctantly accepted the ticket & they were on their way to their unknown destination.
All of the fellas were relieved that they weren’t frisked and arrested in this strange town, but they continued to ask Jessie where the hell they were going. Jessie then says: “I think my girl is cheating on me and she’s at the movies with the new guy. I am going to go confront them”. Morris, Darren and Farrelly were extremely annoyed, but they decided to back their friend because they didn’t know any better.
They get to the AMC theater in the middle of nofuckingwhere, and its pouring down raining with no parking spots. Jessie gets out of the car and says: “One of y’all take the wheel”. None of the guys in the car had a license, but that didn’t stop 16 year old Farrelly from taking the wheel and finding a parking spot.
Darren, Morris, and Farrelly go inside the theater to look for Jessie. The guys go up to the usher and say: “Our friend is in here and we are looking for him”. The usher lets them go, and they immediately start pacing looking for Jessie. After a few minutes of searching, they run into Jessie. Jessie looked visibly upset when he said: “I found her with the other guy and I confronted them.” Morris replied: “Thats it”? Jessie replied back: “Yea. Let’s go”.
When everyone got into the car, Morris said: “Man I am hungry. I want a motherfucking Baconator”. Darren & Farrelly said: “Us too.” Jessie replied: “Ok guys, I’ll buy all of you guys baconators. Not too long after picking up the baconators and driving off, the guys were lost and ended up being stopped by a cop again. But this time the cop was cool, and he gave Jessie directions on getting back home. Jessie drove off and dropped Morris & Darren home, and that was the end of a very eventful night.

FINAL WORDSWhen you’re young you do dumb shit. And when you’re a young simp you do even dumber shit. Jessie was 18, and I assume he was in love and not thinking straight. His CBD lead us on trip that took us in the middle of nowhere that could’ve put us in jail lol. But I’m not going to criticize him, because a year later (Burn Notice) and onward I would be on my own simp journey. Thank you for reading this prelude to Burn Notice.

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